Looking for some new music to listen to? Intrigued by that new sound that’s called Dubstep? Well then, I’ve got a treat for you.

I’ve added a new tab on my blog (as well as giving the blog a bit of a makeover and making it more personalised) called Mixes, Music, Videos and if you scamper over there you’ll find some free mixes to download and some links to videos too. Now, I know this is a blog about things that I’ve made but my friends are talented and I’m involved in the design side of things so I’ve included them here. So nyah 😀

No doubt I’ll be adding more mixes and links but I’ll also start adding some of my involvement too, such as cover designs, visualisations and whatever else comes to mind.

Well, that’s all from me tonight, have a good weekend!

(By the way, the new picture on the header is a Laputa robot that I made out of modelling clay. I just wanted to let you know that it was something made by me, that’s all. Oh, and if you have no clue what a Laputa robot is, then go watch “Laputa –  Castle In The Sky” by Studio Ghibli!)