I was using Stumbleupon when I read this article on how to make your own alien abduction lamp for under $5 and I laughed heartily at the idea. Then, almost instantly, I leapt upon the challenge of making my own.

I was slightly hampered by some minor details, such as the lack of owning a drill so I modified slightly and made my own version with paper-maiche on a cassarole dish.  (It was extremely difficult to get the UFO shape off the dish!)

Anyways, here’s my version and it cost me roughly about €5:

Alien Abduction Lamp

Alien Abduction Lamp

Now all of my friends are asking me to make one for them! I made a much bigger version for a friend’s gig recently, I hung it over the dancefloor so people could pretend they were being abducted while they danced 😀